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15 2.4.1 Default Paragraph For a particular window, you can override the default paragraph format that is set in the form
header. Enter the default format that should apply in the window in the Default paragraph field in
the window definition screen.
2.5 Pages You must define at least one page for every form. And you must designate a "first" page in the
form header. Otherwise text formatting is not possible. In addition, you should inform the system
which page is to be used after reaching the end of the first page. If you do not specify a next
page, the output of your text ends at the end of the current page.
To define a page, give it a name and specify attributes for it: · Name of the next page · Page counter mode INC Increases the counter by 1 HOLD Counter remains unchanged START Sets the counter to 1 You can display the contents of the page counter with the system symbol&PAGE&. · Numbering type of the page counter ARABIC Arabic numerals LETTER Letters ROMAN Roman numerals Although CHAR is displayed as an entry option for the numbering type of the page
counter, internally CHAR is converted to ARABIC. · Output length for page numbering with numerals
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