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39 6.9 Position of the Leading Sign: SET SIGN The usual convention in business applications is to show the leading sign to the right of the
figure to which it applies. However, it is sometimes necessary to show the leading sign to the
left of the figure. To set the sign explicitly, use the SET SIGN control command. Executing this
command affects the formatting of all subsequent program symbols that possess a leading sign.
The leading sign appears to the left of the number.
The leading sign appears to the right of the number.
6.10 Initializing Numbered Paragraphs: RESET To reset the numbering of an outline paragraph to its initial value, use the RESET control
command. If you do not use the RESET command, then the numbering of all outline paragraphs
in a text is continuous. If you specify the name of an outline paragraph in the RESET command,
then its paragraph numbering and that of subordinate paragraphs is reinitialized.
/: RESET paragraph_format
The paragraph format specifies the outline paragraph to be reset.
Assume that the paragraph N1 is defined in the style you are using. This kind of
paragraph is intended for enumerated lists and causes a sequential number to be
* Proceed as follows if you want to work with the SAP R/3
N1 Ensure that you have a PC
N1 Switch the PC on
N1 Click on the SAP icon using the mouse.
* You will then enter the SAP logon screen. In order to log
on here, you must carry out the following actions:
N1 Enter your user name
N1 Enter your password
N1 Select the application you want to use
This text specification would be output as follows:
Proceed as follows if you want to work with the SAP R/3
system: 1. Ensure that you have a PC 2. Switch the PC on 3. Click on the SAP icon using the mouse. You will then enter the SAP logon screen. In order to log on
here, you must carry out the following actions: 1. Enter your user name 2. Enter your password 3. Select the application you want to use If there is no RESET command between the two sections, then the two lists would be
numbered in a single sequence:
Proceed as follows if you want to work with the SAP R/3
system: 1. Ensure that you have a PC 2. Switch the PC on 3. Click on the SAP icon using the mouse. You will then enter the SAP logon screen. In order to
log on here, you must carry out the following actions: 4. Enter your user name 5. Enter your password 6. Select the application you want to use
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