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55 &symbol(Z& closing bracket of formatting option missing &KNA1-UMSAT(i)& formatting option not in capitals The symbol names themselves are not case-sensitive, that is, SAP script does not distinguish
between capital and lower case letters in symbol names. These symbol names are identical:
A symbol name can contain a maximum of 130 characters. However, only the first 32 characters
are used for unique identification.
7.2 System Symbols You can use system symbols in all kinds of text. SAPscript supplies the values for system
symbols. The names of the system symbols are fixed.
7.2.1 Current Date &DATE& The current date is displayed. It is formatted according to the specifications found in the
user master data. You can adapt this format to your own requirements by specifying a
date mask (SET DATE MASK) or by using a country-specific formatting option (SET
The current value for this symbol is taken from the SY-DATUM field. This value is not
copied every time that the date is called, but only at the following times: · When printing starts (OPEN_FORM, PRINT_TEXT) · When symbols are replaced in the text editor · When a text is exported in the ASCII or RTF format · When the TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE function module is called (optional) 7.2.2 Current Day Number &DAY& The current day number is printed. The display includes leading zeros. 7.2.3 Current Month Number &MONTH& The current month number is printed. The display includes leading zeros. 7.2.4 Current Year Number &YEAR& This symbol is used to print the current year as a four digit number. 7.2.5 Current Day Name (Long Form) &NAME_OF_DAY& The name of the current day is written out in full. The language used for the
output is determined by the appropriate text language or form language. The
names of the days are stored in the TTDTG table under the key
%%SAPSCRIPT_DDDD_dd, where dd is the day number (01= Monday,.., 07 =
Sunday). 7.2.6 Current Month Name (Long Form) &NAME_OF_MONTH& The name of the current month is written out in full. The language used for the
output is determined by the appropriate text language or form language. The
names of the months are stored in the TTDTG table under the key
%%SAPSCRIPT_MMMM_mm, where mm is the month number (01,.., 12).
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