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61 7.6.2 Output Length If you need only a part of the symbol value, or the output has to fit into a box or a field on the
screen without overlapping the edges of this area, then you can use an output length
specification to define how many bytes of the value should be copied.
&symbol( length)&
If < symbol> has the value 123456789.
&symbol(3)& -> 123
&symbol(7)& -> 1234567
You can combine an output length specification with an offset specification. The
specified length is then counted from the specified offset position.
&symbol+4(3)& -> 567 If a length specified is greater than the current length of the value, then spaces are appended to
the symbol value.
You can use the character * to specify the length of a program symbol. The value of the symbol
is then printed using the output length defined in the ABAP Dictionary.
&symbol (*)&
The SYST-UNAME field contains the logon name of a user called Einstein . The
Dictionary entry for this field contains an output length of 12.
&SYST-UNAME&... -> Einstein...
&SYST-UNAME(9)&... -> Einstein...
&SYST-UNAME(*)&... -> Einstein ... 7.6.3 Omitting the Leading Sign Program symbols with numeric values can have a leading sign. This sign usually appears to the
right of the numeric value, either as a space for positive numbers, or as a minus sign for
negative numbers . You can use t he S option to ensure that the value is formatted without
the sign .
&symbol (S)&
The ITCDP-TDULPOS field contains the value -100.00. The ABAP Dictionary definition
for this field includes a leading sign.
&ITCDP-TDULPOS& -> 100.00-
&ITCDP-TDULPOS(S)& -> 100.00
7.6.4 Leading Sign to the Left The leading sign is normally displayed to the right of a numeric value, except in the case of a
floating point number. This option enables you to specify that the leading sign should be placed
to the left of the number.
&symbol (<)&
&ITCDP-TDULPOS& -> 100.00-
&ITCDP-TDULPOS(<)& -> -100.00

The SET SIGN LEFT control command specifies that all subsequent symbols with a
numeric value should have a left-justified leading sign. If you use this control command,
you must no longer repeat the < option for each individual symbol.