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3 Técnicas
3.1 Displaying Versions of Forms
To display the versions of a form, choose Utilities
The version list includes the following information:
Version and status:
New No active version, not available for use as yet. · Active The current form is the active version, in effect in the System. · Revised The current form is being changed. There are active and edit versions of the form. · Translated The current form must be translated. · Current language key · Original language of the form. · Description of the form. To display detailed information on a version of the form, put the cursor on the version and choose Form info. 3.2 Including Graphics You can include graphics such as diagrams or charts in your SAPscript documents. Typically, such graphics are included in documents by way of forms. Graphics are uploaded either in "Baseline TIFF 6.0" format (file extension.tif on PC files) or as printer macros. A printer macro in this case is the sequence of printer instructions needed to print out a diagram. Graphics and printer macros are uploaded with program RSTXLDMC into individual standard text documents. At upload, the graphics or printer macros are converted to the format required by the target printer, either PostScript, PCL-5 for newer Hewlett-Packard and compatible printers, or PRESCRIBE for Kyocera printers. The resulting SAPscript document can be printed only on the target printer type. Online display is not possible. In a form, you might include graphics such as a company logo in the header window. You can accommodate printing on different types of printers with separate includes for each format in which you have uploaded graphics. If you define the includes as text elements, then your print program can select the appropriate include depending upon the device type of the printer that the user selects. You can determine the device type by looking up the printer name in table TSP03 (field PADEST) and evaluating the device type (field PATYPE). For more information, see the report documentation for RSTXLDMC. Using graphics in forms can greatly increase the size of print requests and therefore seriously affect the performance of your printers. Graphics are not recommended for printing time-critical documents. 3.2.1 Using Boxes, Lines, and Shading SAPscript provides these text commands for using boxes or frames, lines, and shading in documents: · The BOX command for drawing a box or a horizontal or vertical line. · The POSITION command for specifying the starting point (the upper left corner) of a box or line. · The SIZE command for specifying the width and height of a box. Previous Page|Next Page |