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1 IN = 2.54 CM
1 CM = 10 MM
1 CH = height of a character relative to the CPI specification in the form header
1 LN = height of a line relative to the LPI specification in the form header /: BOX FRAME 10 TW Draws a frame around the current window with a frame thickness of 10 TW (= 0.5 PT). /: BOX INTENSITY 10 Fills the window background with shading having a gray scale of 10 %. /: BOX HEIGHT 0 TW FRAME 10 TW Draws a horizontal line across the complete top edge of the window. /: BOX WIDTH 0 TW FRAME 10 TW Draws a vertical line along the complete height of the left hand edge of the window. /: BOX WIDTH '17.5' CM HEIGHT 1 CM FRAME 10 TW INTENSITY 15 /: BOX WIDTH '17.5' CM HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW /: BOX XPOS '10.0' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW /: BOX XPOS '13.5' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW Draws two rectangles and two lines to construct a table of three columns with a highlighted heading section. POSITION Command Syntax /: POSITION [XORIGIN] [YORIGIN] [WINDOW] [PAGE] Effect: Sets the origin for the coordinate system used by the XPOS and YPOS parameters of the BOX command. When a window is first started, the POSITION value is set to refer to the upper left corner of the window (default setting). Parameters: If a parameter value does not have a leading sign, then its value is interpreted as an absolute value, in other words, as a value that specifies an offset from the upper left corner of the output page. If a parameter value is specified with a leading sign, then the new value of the parameter is calculated relative to the old value. If one of the parameter specifications is missing, then no change is made to this parameter. XORIGIN, YORIGIN Origin of the coordinate system. WINDOW Sets the values for the left and upper edges to match those of the current window (default setting). PAGE Sets the values for the left and upper edges to match those of the current output page (XORIGIN = 0 cm, YORIGIN = 0 cm). /: POSITION WINDOW Sets the origin for the coordinate system to the upper left corner of the window. /: POSITION XORIGIN 2 CM YORIGIN '2.5 CM' Sets the origin for the coordinate system to a point 2 cm from the left edge and 2.5 cm from the upper edge of the output page. /: POSITION XORIGIN '-1.5' CM YORIGIN -1 CM Shifts the origin for the coordinates 1.5 cm to the left and 1 cm up. SIZE Command Syntax /: SIZE [WIDTH] [HEIGHT] [WINDOW] [PAGE] Effect: Sets the values of the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters used in the BOX command. When a window is first started, the SIZE value is set to the same values as the window itself (default setting). Parameters: If one of the parameter specifications is missing, then no change is made to the current value of this parameter. If a parameter value does not have a leading sign, then its value is interpreted as an absolute value. If a parameter value is specified with a leading sign, then the new value of the parameter is calculated relative to the old value. WIDTH, HEIGHT Dimensions of the rectangle or line. Previous Page|Next Page |