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no spaces are printed.
7.2.15 Underline
You can use this symbol to insert a string of underline characters into the output text. You must pass the number of underline characters required with the symbol. If you leave out the number, then just one underline character is printed. 7.2.16 Vertical Line &VLINE& You can use this symbol to insert a string of vertical line characters into the output text. You must pass the number of vertical line characters required with the symbol. If you leave out the number, then just one vertical line character is printed. 7.3 Program Symbols The integration of SAPscript allows to link data that is stored in various applications of the SAP system into text modules; for example a form letter to be sent to several customers. The address information of these customers is in the SAP database and must be incorporated into the letter. SAPscript cannot read this data out of the SAP database itself, but has to call another program to do this. The data is then copied into work areas declared with TABLES. Starting with Release 3.1G, you are no longer restricted to the TABLES statement. You can address any global variable using a program symbol. The system can evaluate the ABAP Dictionary information (output length, number of decimal places, and so on) not only for TABLES fields, but also for INFOTYPES fields and variables with a LIKE reference. Example: DATA: MYCOUNTRY LIKE USR03-LAND1. The system considers all output characteristics that can be retrieved using the ABAP statement DESCRIBE. If SAPscript is now called from this program to format a text, it can copy the data out of these work areas. Symbols that obtain their values from this kind of data area are called program symbols. The value of a program symbol is limited up to a maximum of 255 characters. The name of a program symbol, when using TABLES statements, consists of the table name and the field name, separated by a hyphen. Examples of customer address fields are: &KNA1-NAME1&, &KNA1-ORT01&, &KNA1-PFACH&. Otherwise, the symbol is used in the way it is defined in the print program (for example, &MYCOUNTRY). When SAPscript encounters a symbol, it first checks whether the symbol is a system symbol. If it finds no corresponding entry, it tries to find a table or structure in the calling ABAP program (declared with TABLES). If there is, the symbol is a program symbol and SAPscript next checks in the Dictionary to see whether this table contains the specified field. If there is no table or structure in the calling ABAP program, SAPscript checks whether the symbol is a standard symbol. If no entry is found in table TTDTG, the system checks the calling program for global definitions (DATA, CONSTANTS, INFOTYPE, PARAMETER). If it finds any definitions, SAPscript processes the symbol as program symbol. Only if no global definitions are found either, does SAPscript process the symbol as text symbol. Basically, a defined text symbol remains a text symbol even if in the print program, for example, a DATA statement with the same name is used. For replacing the variables, the sequence of the variables in the corresponding text is decisive. Form/text: |