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7.6.2 Output Length
If you need only a part of the symbol value, or the output has to fit into a box or a field on the screen without overlapping the edges of this area, then you can use an output length specification to define how many bytes of the value should be copied. Syntax &symbol( length)& If < symbol> has the value 123456789. &symbol(3)& -> 123 &symbol(7)& -> 1234567 You can combine an output length specification with an offset specification. The specified length is then counted from the specified offset position. &symbol+4(3)& -> 567 If a length specified is greater than the current length of the value, then spaces are appended to the symbol value. You can use the character * to specify the length of a program symbol. The value of the symbol is then printed using the output length defined in the ABAP Dictionary. Syntax &symbol (*)& The SYST-UNAME field contains the logon name of a user called Einstein . The Dictionary entry for this field contains an output length of 12. &SYST-UNAME&... -> Einstein... &SYST-UNAME(9)&... -> Einstein... &SYST-UNAME(*)&... -> Einstein ... 7.6.3 Omitting the Leading Sign Program symbols with numeric values can have a leading sign. This sign usually appears to the right of the numeric value, either as a space for positive numbers, or as a minus sign for negative numbers . You can use t he S option to ensure that the value is formatted without the sign . Syntax &symbol (S)& The ITCDP-TDULPOS field contains the value -100.00. The ABAP Dictionary definition for this field includes a leading sign. &ITCDP-TDULPOS& -> 100.00- &ITCDP-TDULPOS(S)& -> 100.00 7.6.4 Leading Sign to the Left The leading sign is normally displayed to the right of a numeric value, except in the case of a floating point number. This option enables you to specify that the leading sign should be placed to the left of the number. Syntax &symbol (<)& &ITCDP-TDULPOS& -> 100.00- &ITCDP-TDULPOS(<)& -> -100.00 The SET SIGN LEFT control command specifies that all subsequent symbols with a numeric value should have a left-justified leading sign. If you use this control command, you must no longer repeat the < option for each individual symbol. |