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36 6.3 Preventing Page Breaks: PROTECT You can specify, either in the style or in the form, that a particular paragraph should not be split
in two by a page break. If this page protect attribute is set, then the complete paragraph is
always printed on one page. This property applies only to that particular paragraph.
This attribute is not intended to be used to protect all paragraphs against a page break. The
point is that a page break is by its very nature a dynamic event and the exact point at which it
occurs depends on the current state (length and contents) of the preceding text. It is also
possible that you may want to protect only certain parts of a paragraph against a page break.
One way to achieve this is to use the NEW-PAGE command immediately before the text
concerned starts. Explicitly beginning a new page at this point should ensure that a further page
break does not occur within the text. However, this technique is not change-friendly. For
example, you format your text with the help of the NEW-PAGE command so that no page
breaks occur where they should not. At a later time, you insert or delete some lines. These
changes cause all the subsequent text to be moved relative to the printed page, and you must
check each NEW-PAGE command you previously inserted to see if it is still in the correct place.
To allow you to define the areas to be protected against a page break on an individual basis,
SAPscript provides the PROTECT.. ENDPROTECT command pair. If you enclose the text to be
protected in these commands, then SAPscript will ensure that each line of this text is printed
together on the same page. If the complete text fits in the space remaining on the current page,
then it is printed on this page just as it would be if no PROTECT command had been used. If,
however, the remaining space is not sufficient for the text, then the PROTECT command has
the same effect as a NEW-PAGE command and text is printed on a new page.
Thus the PROTECT/ENDPROTECT commands may be regarded as a kind of conditional NEW-
PAGE command, the condition being whether or not the lines enclosed between the two
commands fit in the space remaining in the current main window.
The text lines to be protected are enclosed between the two commands. · An ENDPROTECT command without a preceding PROTECT command
has no effect. · If the terminating ENDPROTECT is missing, SAPscript assumes it at the
end of the text. · PROTECT.. ENDPROTECT command pairs cannot be nested. If a second
PROTECT command occurs before the first one has been terminated by an
ENDPROTECT, it is ignored. · If the text enclosed by a PROTECT.. ENDPROTECT pair is itself too long
for a single page, then a page break is generated immediately before the
text and the text is printed in the normal way. It is then unavoidable that a
page break will occur at some point within the text. · 6.4 Next Main Window: NEW-WINDOW Each page can consist of up to 99 main windows. Each main window is assigned a consecutive
identifying number (0..98), and the windows are filled in this order. This feature enables
SAPscript to print labels and to output multi-column text. When one main window fills up, the
next main window on that page is taken, if there is a next one. A page break is inserted after the
last main window.
You can use the NEW-WINDOW command to call the next main window explicitly, even if the
current main window is not yet full. If you are in the last main window of the page, the command
has the same effect as the NEW-PAGE command.

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