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35 6 SAPscript Control Commands The functionality of the SAPscript editor is made available through a set of commands. These
commands give you full editing control over your text. They are executed immediately when
There is, however, another kind of SAPscript command, namely the control commands. The
purpose of these is to allow control of the output formatting. These commands are not
interpreted by the SAPscript editor, but are passed through to the SAPscript Composer for
processing. The Composer is the program that converts text from the form displayed in the
editor to the form used for printing. This includes, for example, line and page formatting, the
replacement of symbols with their current values and the formatting of text according to the
paragraph and character formats specified.
6.1 Syntax of Control Commands SAPscript control commands are entered and edited in the text editor in the same way as a
normal line of text. They do, however, differ from normal lines of text: · Enter the paragraph format /: in the format column to identify a control command. · Enter the command itself in the text line. You will notice that all key words and other
parts of the specification not given as literal values enclosed in inverted commas are
automatically converted to capital letters. · Make sure that a control command, together with any parameters it requires, does not
occupy more than a single line. · Enter only one control command in each line. · Note that the editor formatting has no effect on lines containing control commands. If a control command is unknown or it contains syntax errors, the line containing it is treated as
a comment line. It is neither interpreted nor printed.
6.2 Explicit Page Break: NEW-PAGE SAPscript automatically inserts a page break when the main window of a page (MAIN) is full.
You can use the NEW-PAGE command to force a page break in the text at any point you want
one. The text following this command then appears on a new page. The page break is always
performed (it is an unconditional page break).
The NEW-PAGE command completes the current page. This means that all the windows that
are still on the page are printed immediately. If you use the NEW-PAGE command without
parameters, the page defined in the current form as the next page will be taken next. If,
however, your form contains a number of different pages, then you can specify any one of these
as the next page to be used.
/: NEW-PAGE [page_name]
The current page will be completed and the text in the following lines will be written to
the page specified in the form.
As above, except that the page S1 will be taken as the next page.
· If, in a NEW-PAGE command, you specify a page not contained in the
form, the specification is ignored. · Take care that there are no blank lines immediately before a NEW-PAGE
command. If an implicit page break occurs within the blank lines, an
unexpected blank page may be printed. ·
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