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Resource name
With Resource name, you specify that the paper for this page should be taken from a particular paper tray at the printer. In Resource name, enter the print control that has been defined for switching to the paper tray you want to use. In printer types pre-defined by SAP, these print controls are generally as follows: TRY01 Select first paper tray TRY02 Select second paper tray (if available at the printer) TRY03 Select third paper tray (if available at the printer) TRYEN Print envelopes (if available at the printer) TRYMN Switch the printer to manual paper feed (if available at the printer). The printer pauses until you feed a sheet of paper into it. TRYME Switch the printer to manual envelope feed (if available at the printer). The printer pauses until you feed an envelope into it. You can use all tray selection print controls except TRY03 with suitably equipped printers that are defined with the following SAP device types: HPLJSTND, HPLJ_II, HPLJIIID, HPLJ4, LX4039, and SNI20XX8. You can use TRY01, TRY02, TRY03, and TRYMN on suitably equipped printers that are defined with these device types: KYOF1000, KYOF1200, KYOFS1500. See the spool system (transaction SPAD) to check on how your printers are defined. · Print mode With Print mode, you can specify single- or double-sided printing for a page. You can choose from the following values: ' ' Currently active printing mode continues unchanged. S The page is printed in simplex mode. That is, the printer should print on only one side of the paper. If another mode was previously active, then the printer is switched to simplex mode with the start of the page. D The page is printed on the first side of a sheet in duplex mode. If another mode was previously active, then the printer is switched to duplex mode with the start of the pageand continues in this mode. T The page is printed on the first side of a sheet in tumble duplex mode. That is, the printer prints on both sides. The page on the second side is always inverted, so that the footer of the second page is printed opposite the header of the first page. If another mode was previously active, then the printer is switched to tumble duplex mode with the start of the page and continues printing in this mode. Print modes are currently supported for printers that use the PCL-5 language. These are printers that are defined with the following SAP device types: HPLJ_II, HPLJIIID, HPLJ4, LX4039, SNI20XX8. See the spool system (transaction SPAD) to check on how your printers are defined. The print controls for these functions are SPMSI (begin simplex printing); SPMDU (begin duplex printing); SPMTU (begin tumble duplex printing); SPMFS (print on first side of sheet in duplex or tumble duplex mode); and SPMBS (print on second side of sheet in duplex or tumble duplex mode). 2.5.1 Defining Follow-On Pages in Duplex Print Modes You switch to duplex or tumble duplex mode with a form page for which one of these modes is specified. To continue printing in the current mode, for follow-on pages you must define another page in which the Print mode field is empty. Otherwise, the following pages after the mode switch will continue to be printed only on the front sides of new sheets of paper. The reason: When SAPscript sends a page with Print mode D or T to the printer, it not only sets the print mode accordingly. To ensure that the first page in the new mode is correctly output, SAPscript also instructs the printer to output the page on the front side of a sheet. If SAPscript sends a sequence of D or T pages to the printer, the output is printed only on the front side of each sheet. Previous Page|Next Page |