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You define a first page named FIRST for a form to be printed in duplex mode. You therefore set the Print mode in FIRST to D. To make the duplex printing work correctly, you must define a second page FOLLOWER in which Print mode is left empty. In the form definition, you specify FOLLOWER as the follow-on page for FIRST and for itself as well. Your text is then printed in duplex mode. FIRST switches the printer to duplex mode and forces printing of the first page on the front side of a new sheet. FOLLOWER accepts the duplex mode and sends no further mode print controls to the printer. The printer therefore alternately prints FOLLOWER pages on the fronts and backs of sheets. 2.5.2 Testing Tray Selection and Print Mode Selection SAP provides predefined SAPscript documents with which you can test whether tray selection and print mode selection are working properly on your printers. For tray selection, print the SAPscript document SAPSCRIPT-TRAYTEST, ID ST, Language D or E. For print mode selection, print the SAPscript document SAPSCRIPT-PRINTMODETEST, ID ST, Language D or E. 2.6 Page Windows When you define page windows, the window names are linked to page names. You must specify the position and size of the window on the assigned page. Define the position of a window by specifying the left margin and upper margin and the size of a window by specifying its width and height. Left margin Space between the window and left margin of the page Upper margin Space between the window and upper margin of the page Window width Width of the window depending on the page format selected Window height Height of the window depending on the page format selected Previous Page|Next Page |