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45 · Header texts should not be employed in texts that are printed from
applications programs, such as reminder texts, order texts. These
applications programs can also work with header texts via the form
interface, which may lead to unexpected results. 6.14 Setting a Footer Text in the Main Window: BOTTOM You can specify footer texts for the main window in a similar way to header texts. Footer texts
are always printed at the bottom of the window.
The lines of text enclosed between the two control commands will be output from now on at the
bottom of the main window.
An existing footer text can be disabled by using the BOTTOM.. ENDBOTTOM command pair
without enclosing any text lines between the two command lines:
This and subsequent pages will contain no footer text. · Assuming there is still sufficient space in the main window, a newly
specified footer text will also be printed on the current page. · Footer texts should not be employed in texts that are printed from
applications programs, such as reminder texts, order texts. These
applications programs can also work with footer texts via the form interface,
which may lead to unexpected results. 6.15 Conditional Text: IF You can use the IF control command to specify that text lines should be printed only when
certain conditions are met. If the logical expression contained within the IF command is true,
then the text lines enclosed by the IF... ENDIF command pair are printed. Otherwise they are
/: IF condition
The logical expression can use the following comparison operators: = EQ equal to
< LT less than
> GT greater than
<= LE less than or equal to
>= GE greater than or equal to
<> NE not equal to The following logical operators can be used to combine conditions: · NOT · AND · OR Evaluation of both the individual logical expressions and of the combinations of expressions is
performed strictly from left to right. There are no precedence rules. Bracketed expressions are
not supported.
The comparison is always performed on literal values, that is, the symbols are formatted as
character strings before they are compared. This is particularly significant in the case of
program symbols, because the formatting of these may depend on various parameters. For
example, the formatted form of a currency field employs a variable number of decimal places
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