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46 and a variable `decimal point' symbol (a period or a comma) depending on the applicable
currency key.
You can extend the IF command with the ELSE command to allow text lines to be specified that
you want to print in case the condition is false. If the condition is true, the text lines enclosed by
the IF and ELSE commands are formatted; otherwise the text lines enclosed by the ELSE and
ENDIF commands are formatted.
/: IF condition
The ELSEIF command allows you to specify multiple cases.
/: IF condition
/: ELSEIF condition
You can use any number of ELSEIF commands within one compound IF.. ENDIF control
command. The use of an ELSE command is then optional. · You must not extend a condition over more than one line. Both the IF or
ELSEIF command and the attached condition must be completely
contained within a single line. · You can nest IF commands. · You must terminate an IF command with an ENDIF command. If you forget
this, there will be no more output following the IF command if the condition
is false. · If a syntax error occurs in the interpretation of this command, then the
command is not executed. This may have an unexpected effect on the
subsequent text output. For example, if the IF statement is incorrect, then
all following ELSEIF and ELSE commands will be ignored, since the
opening IF command is `missing'. This will cause all the text lines attached
to the ELSEIF and ELSE commands to be printed. 6.16 Finding a Match: CASE The CASE command covers a special case of the multiple case IF command. Rather than
allowing an arbitrary condition to be tested in each of the individual cases (as in the general
multiple case IF command), the CASE command allows a given symbol to be tested against
specific values until a matching value is found.
/: CASE symbol
/: WHEN value1
/: WHEN value2
/: WHEN valuen
The symbol in the CASE line is formatted. If its value is found in one of the WHEN lines, then
the text lines following this WHEN line are printed. If no matching value is found then the text
lines enclosed by the WHEN OTHERS line and the ENDCASE command are printed. The
WHEN OTHERS section is optional.
As with the IF command, the comparison is always performed on literal values.
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