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7.2.7 Current Time
The current time is printed in the form hours:minutes:seconds. Each of the components for hours, minutes, and seconds consists of two digits, using a leading zero if necessary. You can adapt this format to your own requirements by specifying a time mask (SET TIME MASK). The value for the time field is taken from the SY-UZEIT field. This value can be copied over only at particular times (c.f. DATE ). 7.2.8 Hours Component of Current Time &HOURS& The component of the current time referring to hours is printed. The display includes leading zeros. 7.2.9 Minutes Component of Current Time &MINUTES& The component of the current time referring to minutes is printed. The display includes leading zeros. 7.2.10 Seconds Component of Current Time &SECONDS& The component of the current time referring to seconds is printed. The display includes leading zeros. 7.2.11 Current Page Number &PAGE& You can use this symbol to insert into the text the page number that the current page will have when printed. You can specify the formatting option for the page number in the form for each page type. 7.2.12 Page Number of the Next Page &NEXTPAGE& This symbol is used to print the number of the following page. The output format is the same as with &PAGE& . Note that on the last page of the output, in each window that is not of type MAIN, &NEXTPAGE& has the value 0. 7.2.13 Selected Device Type &DEVICE& The &DEVICE& symbol is used to print the type of the output device. This type is passed in the DEVICE parameter when the SAPscript output (OPEN_FORM, PRINT_TEXT) is started, and it specifies the device for which the output should be formatted. Possible values are: PRINTER SCREEN TELEX TELEFAX ABAP (ABAP list display) 7.2.14 Spaces &SPACE& You can use this symbol to generate a string of space characters. You must pass the number of space characters required with the symbol. If you leave out the number, then Previous Page|Next Page |