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34 5 Releasing Forms Forms must be released for the end user. Otherwise, they are not displayed to the user. 1. Choose Form Check. To ensure that forms do not contain any errors, check whether all the entries have been
made and whether all entries correspond to the input conventions. The status of the check
is displayed in the line; the system informs you whether the check routine found any errors.
If the check routine was completed without any errors, you only need to activate your form.
2. Choose Form Activate. The system sends a message stating whether activation was successful.
If you attempt to activate your form despite the fact that an error was found during the check
or a check was not run, the activation run is terminated. The form is not accessible to the
end user. Forms can be processed after activation, whether this involves changes, translations, or the
deletion of an unnecessary form.
To delete a form, choose Form Delete. The system asks you whether you really want to
delete your form in all languages. After deletion, you return to the request screen. Your
processing status is displayed in the OK line.
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